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The Assessment Process for English Learners with Suspected Disabilities

headshot photo of bald man smiling in front of gray background
Jason Kohl, School Psychologist and 504 Coordinator for Galax City Public Schools
woman with shot dark hair smiling in front of a gray background
Elizabeth Stringer-Nunley, Division Interpreter/EL Lead for Galax City Public Schools

Our English Learners with Disabilities Resource Hub receives content updates twice a semester, featuring informative videos on important topics related to this population of students.  To complement each video, participants can further engage through a virtual Q&A session or an in-person workshop. These sessions offer a deeper understanding of the content and allow interactive discussions.

This month's topic focuses on the assessment process for English learners with suspected disabilities and features an interview with Elizabeth Stringer-Nunley (Galax City Schools interpreter and EL lead) and Jason Kohl (Galax City Schools School Psychologist and 504 coordinator).  You can watch a portion of our interview with them here or visit our English Learners with Disabilities Resource Hub to view the entire conversation.

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The mission of the Training & Technical Assistance Center (T/TAC) is to improve educational opportunities and contribute to the success of children and youth with disabilities (birth–22 years). This mission is two-fold; first, to increase the... read more about our mission