TTAC Mission
The mission of the Training & Technical Assistance Center (T/TAC) is to improve educational opportunities and contribute to the success of children and youth with disabilities (birth–22 years). This mission is two-fold; first, to increase the capacity of schools, school personnel, service providers, and families to meet the needs of children and youth with disabilities and, second, to foster the state improvement goals for personnel development, which address improving the performance of children and youth with disabilities, by enhancing the knowledge, skills, abilities, and performance of all personnel who work with them.
Professional Development
T/TAC provides high-quality professional development that fosters access to the general education curriculum, achievement in the least restrictive environment, and the knowledge and skills to transition to adult settings. These services are provided in the context of a school’s improvement plan in collaboration with building and division administrators.
Regional Training
Professional development events address varied topics based on state and regional needs and interests.
Individual Consultation
Consultations are provided by phone and e-mail, through on-site visits, or T/TAC based visits. Consultants provide assistance tailored to specific needs.
Library Loans
A variety of resources are available for loan including print materials, videos, instructional and assistive technology, and augmentative communication devices. Visit our library and "check out" what items are available.
Information Searches
T/TAC conducts searches on current practices, syndromes and disabilities, latest research, and other topics.
Referral Services
Through linking and networking, T/TAC can connect you to other programs and professionals that will best meet your needs.
Free of Charge
T/TAC services are free.
The T/TAC at Virginia Tech service area encompasses Virginia Superintendents' Study Regions 6 & 7.