
Below are listings of paid apps that can be borrowed with a tablet device for trial from the T/TAC at Virginia Tech's Lending Library.
Everyday Skills

Everyday Skills provides self-directed learning sessions for 40 important skills necessary for living independently and accessing the community based on proven content developed by the Attainment Company.
Alexicom AAC

Alexicom AAC for iPhone/iPad lets you use your iPad or iPhone as an augmentative communication device.
Avaz AAC

Avaz AAC is an augmentative and alternative communication app that empowers children & adults having speech-related disabilities with a voice of their own. A fully-featured speech app that also includes a training module for new AAC users & caregivers.
Conversation Builder

ConversationBuilder™ (Pat. Pend.) is designed to help elementary aged children learn how to have multi-exchange conversations with their peers in a variety of social settings. The auditory pattern of conversation is presented in a visual format to help students recognize and master the flow of conversation. Students will learn when it is appropriate to introduce themselves, ask questions, make observations and change the subject of the conversation.
GoTalk Now

NOW combines the simplicity of GoTalks (Attainment’s popular original AAC device) with the dynamic capabilities of an iPad. GoTalk NOW has all the essentials of an effective AAC app, like adjustable page layouts, customizable navigation, recorded and text-to-speech capabilities, and an included symbol set. But we sweated the details to create unique and compelling features that clearly separate NOW from other AAC apps.
Grace 4

Grace App is an evidence-based picture exchange app designed to encourage and reward independent communication through the use of images. While created with and for people with autism, it can be used by anyone with a speech disability or delay. Grace App is designed to be owned and updated by the user, with minimum support from care-givers.
LAMP Words for Life

LAMP Words For Life™ is a robust augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) app that combines the power of the PRC Unity® language system with Language Acquisition through Motor Planning (LAMP™) principles and strategies.

Designed to look just like a PECS™ communication book permits a teacher to practice picture discrimination with one or several learners within a single session. Touching the correct icon results in immediate visual and auditory feedback from the device in a manner far quicker than a teacher could react. If the learner touches an incorrect icon, there is no significant feedback. A correct picture selection results in access to a desire item or activity!

PECS IV+ is the solution for transitioning from PECS® to high-tech AAC. For learners who have mastered Phases I through IV of the Picture Exchange Communication System® using traditional PECS books, PECS IV+ is the high-tech next step! From Pyramid Educational Consultants, the developers of the evidence-based and world-renowned PECS®, PECS IV+ allows users to construct a multi-picture Sentence Strip™ via a dedicated Sentence Starter™ page and up to 20 digital PECS book pages for the in-app voice to speak.

Tap images. Type words. Speak. Proloquo2Go is an easy to use communication app for people who cannot speak or need help being understood. Featuring natural sounding voices, including real children’s voices, Proloquo2Go is a simple yet powerful AAC (augmentative and alternative communication) tool. The app is fully customizable and can be utilized to build language skills and grow with a person’s communication, supporting both beginning and advanced communicators.

Proloquo4Text™ is a text to speech app for those who cannot rely on their voice to speak. The app is laid out on a single screen to reduce the effort of typing. The layout enables easy, daily conversation and quick access to your most common phrases. Personalize it to your needs and preferences, whether that’s through choosing from the many voices available, or through customizing your screen layout.
Scene and Heard

Scene & Heard is an award winning app. It is a visual scene based communication aid which provides communication in context and new learning aids with interactive features. Scene & Heard is designed to cater for a range of needs, starting with simple single message based communication to sophisticated interlinking scenes with a range of interactive features.
Snap+Core First

TD Snap is a flexible communication software for those with speech and language disabilities such as autism, Down syndrome, Rett syndrome, cerebral palsy and aphasia. It offers professionals and families a choice of AAC solutions to meet different communication needs and preferences. TD Snap is accessible via touch, eye gaze or switch, offering clear speech output.
Snap Scene

Snap Scene(TM) provides Instant scene-based communication and language learning for your child. Take a photo and tag it with recordings to let your child communicate on the fly. Snap Scene turns everyday moments into chances to learn to communicate naturally.
Speak for Yourself

Speak for Yourself is an application designed by two speech language pathologists specializing in Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) with an evidence-based foundation. This application is consistent with motor learning principles, uses a word-based vocabulary of the most frequently used words in communication, and contains features important in developing automaticity and language.

TouchChat HD is a full-featured communication solution for individuals who have difficulty using their natural voice. TouchChat is designed for individuals with Autism, Down Syndrome, ALS, apraxia, stroke, or other conditions that affect a person's ability to use natural speech.
Verbally Premium

Verbally Premium is a full-featured augmentative & alternative communication (AAC) app for the iPad that brings speech to those without. Verbally Premium has the same intuitive design as Verbally, but also includes a host of expanded features to make real conversation a reality.

The Choiceworks app is an essential learning tool for helping children complete daily routines (morning, day, & night), understand & control their feelings and improve their waiting skills (taking turns and not interrupting). Created with the support of leading hospitals and child development specialists, this app is designed for caregivers to provide clear and consistent support to foster a child’s independence, positive behavior, and emotional regulation at home and in the community. It can also be customized for teachers in a school setting.
First Then Visual Schedule

First-Then visual schedule application is designed for caregivers to provide positive behavior support. For individuals with communication needs, developmental delays, Autism or those who benefit from a structured environment; visual schedules serve to increase independence and lower anxiety during transitions through different activities.

If you want to temporarily put down your phone and focus on what’s more important in real life, you can plant a seed in Forest. As time goes by, this seed will gradually grow into a tree. However, if you cannot resist the temptation of using your phone and leave the app, your tree will wither.
Visual Schedule Planner

Visual Schedule Planner is a completely customizable visual schedule iPad app that is designed to give an individual an audio/visual representation of the “events in their day". In addition, events that require more support can be linked to an “activity schedule” or “video clip” to help model the task even further. Visual Planner is perfect for home, school, work or community environment. The app is designed for individuals who may benefit from visual support to ease transitions, anxiety, or who simply need a way to visually represent their day.
Book Creator

Book Creator is the simple way to make your own beautiful ebooks, right on your iPad.

iWriteWords teaches your child handwriting while playing a fun and entertaining game.
Math Paper

Do math independently without a pencil. A perfect way for people with any motor challenges. Math Paper allows you to simply touch the screen and do your math by providing all the numbers, symbols, and operations you need. And, thanks to its intuitive and gorgeous interface, it will let all your work look good! Math Paper is great for beginning math and advanced math.... with special settings to support your own particular needs. Built using principles of Universal Design. A great alternative for anyone who uses an iPad in school or work. Amazing alternative access for people with motoric disabilities or struggling learners.

ModMath is an adaptive program to assist students who struggle with Mathematical notation. The app lets you write and solve math problems right onto the touch screen of an iPad using the custom keypad, and you can print, email, or save to cloud services like Dropbox.
Claro ScanPen

Need to listen to printed text spoken aloud - at school, in a test or exam, at work or at home? Use Claro ScanPen to photo your printed text document, letter, test paper - then select the text with your finger (or stylus), and hear it spoken straight back to you. Instantly! No internet connection required.
KNFB Reader

KNFB Reader 3.0 is a rapid and efficient text recognition app. Its text-to-speech, text-to-Braille, and text highlighting tools make it valuable for blind, low-vision, dyslexic, and others with reading differences.Use it to import or take a photo of anything containing text. Take a photo and the app reads text out loud or displays it on a connected refreshable Braille display. Read with more ease thanks to the simultaneous highlighting of the sentence and word that is being read on the picture or in the plain text document.
Prizmo Go

Aim at text. Shoot. It's yours! Prizmo Go lets you quickly grab text with the camera. After text is recognized in a blink of an eye, you can interact with it in many useful ways. Or just send it to other apps. And if you've got a Mac, you can even copy/paste it there (*). No more retyping. Feels like magic, just at your fingertips.
Clicker Sentences

Clicker Sentences enables teachers to create sentence building activities on any topic, tailored to support each students' individual needs. It is widely used to support emergent writers, English language learners and older children struggling to acquire basic literacy skills.
Keedogo Plus

Keedogo Plus is an iPad keyboard designed for children and young students who just started to read, write and type. The keyboard provides a simplified layout with just the essential keys so early writers can focus on developing their skills rather than being distracted by symbols and functions they don’t yet need.

Everyone loves to tell fun, engaging, and imaginative stories. Go ahead and make a social story or visual schedule for a child with autism or a slide show of holiday pictures for your friends - Pictello makes it a breeze to create and share! Whether you use the included natural-sounding Text to Speech voices, or record your own voice, Pictello is the perfect tool for visual storytelling.
Story Patch

Story Patch lets kids fill the blank pages of a virtual book with their own words and custom-created illustrations that they can piece together from a vast library of images. It's a brilliant idea and especially effective in the way its "guided" mode helps kids work through writer's block by probing for ideas.
Strip Designer

Make your photos come to live and tell a story you can share with friends and family. With Strip Designer you will create comics from beginning to end: Sketch, draw, mask, add warped 3D lettering, balloons, and combine everything with complex panel layouts.

Abilipad is a customizable notepad and keyboard app for the iPad, with advanced word prediction and text-to-speech options that enable students to become confident, successful writers. It has been widely adopted in schools throughout the country as their primary writing tool for elementary-aged students and for struggling writers.
SnapType Pro

With SnapType, students can take a picture of their worksheets, or import worksheets from anywhere on their device. They can then use their iOS device keyboard to add text to these documents and print, email, or share their creations. It is the perfect solution for kids, and even adults, who struggle with their handwriting.

Keeble is an iOS keyboard that allows users with fine motor-challenges, switch users and users with vision impairments to type in almost any app. The keyboard offers word prediction, timing options, Select on Release, Select on Dwell, auditory feedback and other accessibility features. It also fully supports Switch Control and VoiceOver.
Awesome Note 2

The new All-in-one Organizer, Awesome Note 2 is integrated with note and schedule management.