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If you are interested in learning more about this content area, but don’t know where to begin or would like a suggestion, take a look at these items recommended by our staff:

Equals Mathematics (Mathematics Curriculum for Students of Differing Abilities)

The curriculum is a K-12 program aligned to State, Alternate, Common Core Standards, and Common Core Essential Elements. It provides best practice mathematics instruction for educators who work with students with disabilities, whether in self-contained classrooms, resource rooms, or inclusion programs. \\Equals encompasses pre-readiness math skills for students at any age who need the most basic starting point (e.g. attending to instruction, cause and effect, everyday patterns) and the foundational math skills and concepts found in all math content areas (numbers and operations, measurement, data analysis and probability, algebra, and geometry) with problem solving at the core of every lesson and connected in meaningful ways. Each lesson maps out a progression of learning from activating background knowledge to practice and application. Equals provides three flexible levels of instruction and materials for students with mild, moderate, and severe disabilities in every lesson. Given the variety of manipulatives and pic-symbol supported vocabulary, worksheets, and problems, Equals is an appropriate choice for students with cognitive disabilities, autism, and for English Language Learners (ELL).

hands on standard
Hands-On Standards, Deluxe Edition: The First Source for Introducing Math Manipulatives (Grades 5-6)

This book provides easy-to-access ways to help students "visualize mathematics." This manual contains lessons that define the specific concepts and skills presented using step-by-step procedures for solving a related real-world problem. Color photographs illustrate each step. Each lesson provides a framework for using a manipulative to illustrate a concept.

touch money
Touch Money

This is a curriculum to help students with identifying coins, counting coins, and practicing money transactions.

pre number and math
Pre-K Numbers & Math Kit

This kit was developed by the authors of Handwriting Without Tears and it focuses on making math connections with daily routines and hands-on experiences using the materials in this bundle. The materials are designed to be used in a Pre-K setting and include the following: \\* Numbers & Math Pre-K Teacher's Guide\\* Know My Numbers Classroom Set\\* 4 Squares More Squares\\* Tag Bags\\* Mix & Make Shapes \\Keywords: fingerplays, numeracy, geometry, Foundation Blocks, NCTM, developmental delay, self-contained, active learning, VPI, curriculum \\Includes:\\* Teacher's guide\\* 1-2-3 Touch & Flip cards\\* Sing, Sound, & Count With Me CD with guide inside case (missing--Roxeanne Hillman has)\\* I Know My Numbers booklets (10) with instruction booklet\\* Tea Bags set with instruction booklet and storage box\\* 4 Squares More Squares set with instruction booklet and storage box\\* Mix & Make Shapes set with instruction booklet and storage bag.

solving math word problems
Solving Math Word Problems: Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities Using Schema-Based Instruction

This is a teacher-directed program designed to teach critical word problem solving skills to students with disabilities in the elementary and middle grades. The program is carefully designed to promote conceptual understanding using schema-based instruction (SBI) and provides the necessary scaffolding to support learners who struggle with math word problems.