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Special Education

special education

If you are interested in learning more about this content area, but don’t know where to begin or would like a suggestion, take a look at these items recommended by our staff:

High-Leverage Practices in Special Education
High-Leverage Practices in Special Education

This book defines the activities that all special educators need to be able to use in their classrooms. HLPs are organized around four aspects of practice--collaboration, assessment, social/emotional/behavioral practices, and instruction--because special education teachers enact practices in these areas in integrated and reciprocal ways. The HLP Writing Team is a collaborative effort of the Council for Exceptional Children, its Teacher Education Division, and the CEEDAR Center; its members include practitioners, scholars, researchers, teacher preparation faculty, and education advocates.

High Leverage Practices for Inclusive Classrooms
High Leverage Practices for Inclusive Classrooms

This book offers a set of practices that are integral to the support of student learning, and that can be systematically taught, learned, and implemented by those entering the teaching profession. The book focuses primarily on Tiers 1 and 2, or work that mostly occurs with students with mild disabilities in general education classrooms; and provides rich, practical information highly suitable for teachers, but that can also be useful for teacher educators and teacher preparation programs. This powerful, research-based resource offers twenty-two brief, focused chapters that will be fundamental to effective teaching in inclusive classrooms.

Inclusion in Action: Practical Strategies to Modify Your Curriculum
Inclusion in Action: Practical Strategies to Modify Your Curriculum

This book is a big picture guide to creating an inclusive culture in your classroom and school, with invaluable guidance on key topics like team collaboration, universal design for learning, co-teaching, social-emotional supports, and accommodations. You will also get 40 specific, teacher-tested strategies to modify your curriculum for students who work below grade level.

30 Days to the Co-Taught Classroom: How to Create an Amazing, Nearly Miraculous & Frankly Earth-Shattering Partnership in One Month or Less
30 Days to the Co-Taught Classroom: How to Create an Amazing, Nearly Miraculous & Frankly Earth-Shattering Partnership in One Month or Less

In this book, the authors intend to teach you all you need to know about collaboration in 30 days. Yes, you read that right! In just 30 days, the authors will introduce you to the information, competencies, and habits you will need to become a great co-teaching partner. They will help you get to know your co-teacher, understand your roles, improve your planning and co-planning skills, expand the structures you use to teach and support students and even celebrate your accomplishments.

Elevating Co-Teaching Through UDL
Elevating Co-Teaching Through UDL

Co-teaching—the practice of having special education and regular education teachers work together in inclusive classrooms—is one way to ensure that all students have equal access to challenging academic content. But the practice is a challenging one, requiring thoughtful planning and execution by cooperative classroom professionals.\Universal Design for Learning (UDL), a framework for designing inclusive learning environments, offers co-teachers structure and guidance in pursuing their goal to create successful learning environments for all students. In this book, veteran co-teacher and UDL expert Elizabeth Stein shows how to apply the UDL principles and guidelines to the practice of co-teaching.\How does UDL inform the lesson-planning process? What does UDL look like in the classroom? What role does formative assessment play? How do you get buy-in for the UDL approach from administrators, parents, and students themselves? These and other questions are answered in this must-have book for anyone interested in co-teaching.

Beyond Co-Teaching Basics: A Data-Driven, No-Fail Model for Continuous Improvement
Beyond Co-Teaching Basics: A Data-Driven, No-Fail Model for Continuous Improvement

Collaborative teaching, or co-teaching, is a powerful way to support the learning of students with diverse learning needs. But how do you know when you're doing it right? And if you're not, what can you do about that? Authors Wendy W. Murawski and Wendy W. Lochner introduce the Collaborative Teaching Improvement Model of Excellence (CTIME), a continuous improvement model that embraces personalized professional learning to ensure that teachers meet the core competencies for co-teaching without burning out along the way. Incorporating a systematic application of collaborative groups, data analysis, microteaching, feedback, and collegial support, CTIME is the culmination of the best research in the field. Offering a practical approach to achieving mastery of the co-teaching core competencies, this book provides dozens of strategies, resources, and templates that can be used by district-level administrators, principals, and co-teaching teams.