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If you are interested in learning more about this content area, but don’t know where to begin or would like a suggestion, take a look at these items recommended by our staff:

your child and special education
All About Me! 

An expert on pediatric brain injury, Dr. DePompei developed this interactive booklet to help elementary school age children understand brain injury and other special needs. Drawing on his experience as the survivor of a childhood brain injury, Bob Cluett has designed this teaching tool for therapists, educators, and families to use in rehabilitation and educational programs.

your child and special education
My Visual for Outsmarting Explosive Behavior (KIT)

This revolutionary program is designed to help decrease--and in some cases eliminate--explosive behavior in children with autism spectrum disorders. Tantrums and meltdowns are among the greatest challenges presented by ASD, often leaving parents and educators searching for answers. Outsmarting Explosive Behavior is a visual program, laid out as a fold-out poster, that can be individualized for each user. Four train cars represent the four stages of explosive behavior: Starting Out, Picking Up Steam, Point of No Return, and Explosion. By using visuals to appeal to children with ASD, this program makes it easy to help them identify their current state and take steps to decrease the chances of a meltdown.

your child and special education
Power Cards: Using Special Interests to Motivate Children and Youth with Asperger Syndrome and Autism

This step-by-step book shows how to change an unwanted or inappropriate behavior by capitalizing on a student's interests.

your child and special education
Solving Executive Function Challenges: Simple Ways to Get Kids with Autism Unstuck & On Target

How can you help students with autism spectrum disorder be flexible and work toward goals? This problem-solving guide will help you explicitly address executive function skills to children in Grades K-8. The book shows how to embed executive function instruction into everyday routines.

your child and special education
"Just Give Him the Whale!" 20 Ways to Use Fascinations, Areas of Expertise, and Strengths to Support Students with Autism

This concise, highly-practical guidebook gives educators across grade levels a powerful new way to think about students' "obsessions": as positive teaching tools that calm, motivate, and improve learning. Includes easy tips and strategies for folding students' special interests, strengths, and areas of expertise into classroom lessons and routines. Teachers will discover how making the most of fascinations can help their students:\* learn standards-based academic content\* boost literacy learning and mathematics skills\* develop social connections\* expand communication skills\* minimize anxiety.

your child and special education
Worksheets! for Teaching Social Thinking and Related Skills

This book provides ways to break down abstract social thinking concepts into more concrete ways for students to work on them in individual or group sessions. The book is divided into categories like friendships, perspective taking, self monitoring, and being part of groups. Worksheets for the students are provided to assist with lessons.

your child and special education
The Adventures of Everyday Geniuses: Mrs. Gorski, I Think I Have the Wiggle Fidgets

David doesn't know how he ends up in such "situations". At the time, it just seems like a great idea. His teacher, Mrs. Gorski, has had about enough; he can tell by the way her voice changes when she speaks to him. This time, he believes that he has come up with the best idea yet--the perfect plan to make everything better.

your child and special education
The Adventures of Everyday Geniuses: Stacey Cooledge's Fancy-Smancy Cursive Handwriting

How does Stacey do it? How can Carolyn not do it? Carolyn has been practicing cursive handwriting every day for weeks, and she is not getting any closer to Frederick, the class guinea pig. It's a good thing that her teacher, Mrs. Thompson, is able to turn her frustration into confidence!

your child and special education
The Adventures of Everyday Geniuses: If You're So Smart, How Come You Can't Spell Mississippi?

Katie always thought her dad was smart; he is one of the busiest attorneys in town! People are always asking him for advice! She has been a bit confused since asking him for help with her weekly spelling list. How can her "very smart" dad struggle with one of her spelling words? This definitely did not make sense. The word "Mississippi" has changed everything...

your child and special education
The Adventures of Everyday Geniuses: Last to Finish--A Story About the Smartest Boy in Math Class


One by one, Max's classmates turn in their finished papers before the timer rings. Not Max, as soon as the teacher starts the timer, "it" happens! His heart begins to pound. Once his heart begins to pound, his hands begin to sweat and his brain freezes! Math must not be his thing...