Effective Collaboration with Paraeducators
Para- (prefix): Beside, Alongside of...

The T/TAC at Virginia Tech has developed a new webpage to share resources and information to support the collaboration of all team members, including paraeducators that work alongside and under the direction of a teacher, with the goal of improving learning outcomes for students with disabilities.
The tabs below organize these paraeducator resources into three team member categories: school administrators, supervising teachers, and paraeducators themselves.
Not sure what kind of resource you need? Our paraeducator resource finder will guide you through a short series of questions to help you locate materials we have curated to address specific collaborative situations with paraeducators. You can also view the flowchart that serves as a framework for this digital tool.
Collaborative Resource Library for:
- Supervision Models
- Effective Communication with Paras
- Tools for Building Productive Relationships with Paras
- Assessment Resources
- Utlizing Paraeducator Support - Roles
- Coaching Paraprofessionals (Ohio)
- Paraeducator training plan steps
- Para Training Tips
- Direct Instruction Training Model
- CEC Paraeducator Assessment and Evaluation Tools for Teachers.
- CEC Workshops on Supporting Paraeducators
- Time Management
- Confidentiality
- Chart - What is My Role as a Paraprofessional?
- Assessment Resources
- Prompting Hierarchy
- Para's Guide to ADHD
- Para's Guide to Challenging Behaviors (Connecticut)
- Para's Guide to English Language Learner (Connecticut)
- Para's Guide to Learning Disabilities (Connecticut)
- Para's Guide to Data Collection (Connecticut)
- Para's Guide to Research-based Interventions (Connecticut)
- CEC Paraeducator Self-Assessment
- The Paraprofessional Research and Resource Center (PARA2A Center)
- Effective High-Leverage Practices for Paraeducators Series from CEC
- Core Compentencies for Special Education Paraeducators (Council for Exceptional Children)
- Job Description Checklist
- House Bill 325 Requiring Training for Paraprofessionals in Virginia Public Schools
- Tailoring Professional Development to Meet Paraprofessionals' Needs
- Paraeducator training plan steps
- Para Training Tips
- Guidelines for Paraprofessionals Supporting Students with Disabilities (Ohio)
- Guidelines for Training and Support of Paraprofessionals Working with Students Birth to 21 (Connecticut)
- CEC Annual Evaluation form for Administrators
- CEC Workshops on Supporting Paraeducators